Cater and Blumer

ABC News: Gender Equality in Agriculture

Cater & Blumer’s Senior Solicitor, Sarah Cuteri, discusses the importance of succession planning with ABC’s Angel Parsons. See the full article here: 

Gender equality in agriculture is improving – but are farm daughters getting a shot in succession plans?

Succession planning is a high-stakes and challenging part of life for farming families.

Often a business, a home and a family unit is on the line.

And new research has found that gender norms in wider society could be disrupting — albeit very slowly — a long-held tradition: that the first-born son gets the farm.

Farm succession planning can involve a range of professionals, from financial counsellors to lawyers.

Senior solicitor and farmer in the NSW Riverina town of Leeton, Sarah Cuteri, says open communication is key.

“Often people have vague ideas of their expectations, or have made assumptions…that can be a tricky situation.”

She recommends people try to minimise blurring the lines of family and business and consider bringing in a professional.

“People need to be informed of what they’re talking about…[and] have time to process ideas.”

Sarah Cuteri